Study Information  

Heather Statham
Start Date
May 14, 2024

Study Name
Interhemispheric Transfer Time Test-retest
1.5-2 hours

This 2 session online study aims to test the reliability of certain behavioural measures of the time if takes information to travel from one brain hemisphere to the other. The task requires quickly pressing buttons in response to seeing a white dot on the screen, and avoiding pressing anything when a black dot appears shortly after the white.
Additional Info
This is a 2 session online study in which the sessions are conducted 1 week apart. Each session lasts for less than an hour, including time for giving instructions and asking questions. Payment is £6 for each session attended. Sessions can be conducted independently (the researcher will send you the link to the study over email) or for those who would like more on hand guidance, the study can be completed over Zoom call. Once your interest has been registered, we can offer time slots to attend the zoom calls/ be sent the study link.

Data Sharing
Data collected in this study will be de-identified and shared via an open data sharing platform.
The Researcher will provide more specific information after registration of interest.

Age Eligibility
16+ (years)
Register Interest
Study is not currently recruiting

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